Study tour for 50 farmers
Mahad’s Hirwal Dilasa organisation had arranged Study tour for 50 farmers.
The program was arranged in collaboration with Central Government’s Land acquisition, Vasundhara State Level Water Development Management program.
50 farmers were chosen from Group number 1, 2 and 3 from Mahad and Poladpur district.
These farmers visited ideal village Varandh. The Ideal Village concept, Shivar round, Vegetable project, Smal dam, Water attained thru water management program, the increased level of earth water etc. were elaborated to farmers as practical implementation in this tour.
Project manager Mr. Sitaram Kadu, co-ordinator Mr. Kamalesh Korape, Mr. Sampat Patil, Mr. Rajendra Kadu had organised this tour under the able guidance of Hirwal Pratishthan president Hon. Mr. Kishore Dharia. |