Successful Journey of Hirwal Dilasa 'Mahila Swayamsiddha Abhiyan'
Social Movement should be with masses at priority as well as giving new direction to people is the passion by which Hon. Kishorebhai Dharia founded Hirwal Pratishthan. 'Individual's Development' is the basic principle based on which Hirwal Pratshthan has done remarkable work making it's own identity in Social, Economical as well as Educational field. A landmarking event in this journey is establishment of 'Hirwal Dilasa'!
This scheme was inaugurated on 24th october 2002 on the auspicious occassion of Hon. Kishorebhai Dharia with a zeal to make women independent and financially strong. Due to selfless ness and obsession of Hon. Kishorebhai dharia this small plant emerged as tree within a small span of just three years. As of now this Independent women scheme is spread in Mahad as well as Poladpur.
Establishment of Mahila Bachat Gat habiting women to save for future, Providing professinal guidance for new business for with financial assistance to family, Providing small loans with a mentality among them to repay with responsibility are the basic procedural working of the project.
For routine work of this project personnel like one chief officer, one chief manager, one accountant and zonal officer have been employed devoted to this project. all zonal officers visit their entrusted constituency minimum twice a month. Take the seminars of women, make them save as an mandatory activity, discuss about business which can be operated being at home, recover loans as well as arrange symposiums and dicuss the issues women face. Apart from this making women aware of outside world happenings, making them used to read newspapers, achieving unity amongst them are few important tasks they work for.
Hirwal has given 'Relief' (Dilasa) to women making them a selfdependent personality unlike previous scenario wherein they were just a social sector which always received ingnorance being taken for granted. Hirwal Dilasa is committed towards overall development of women. Hiwal family is being added by new people day by day... We give you a warm welcome to be a part of our family!!!