The tree which gives shadow to others is firmly standing irrespective of summer or rain. It's the tree's basic quality without any kind of pride or ego. Even in severe sunrays the shadow is still intact the same way as it is the scenario in heavy rain which does not allow pride even being touched to the soul. All 365 days of year the tree is working continuously bearing pain for others. This is how Hirwal Pratishthan and president hon. Kishorebhai Dharia are like a tree full of pleasure and support for people around.
Fifteen years ago in a small village like Mahad Kishorebhai Dharia started social work via Hirwal Pratishthan. Social work for Kishorebhai Dharia is not limited to the distribution of blankets or fruits to patients etc. Breaking the typical borders of social work he redefined his social work by providing not just a helping hand but also a vision to youngsters in society. Every project implemented by Hirwal Pratishthan had it's uniqueness.
Kishorebhai's personality is such that a new confidence is being witnessed, the upset minds gets new inspirations. His company is a divine experience of respect. Kishorebhai's ideology is that every person we meet has some virtue which generates atleast a new positive thought in you. Due to this ideal nature and lifestyle Kishorebhai is friend of whole world with no enemies. Whichever village Kishorebhai visits, the political barriers are automatically removed. The politics of revenge and jealousy gets vanished due to social approach of Kishore Dharia. It's caused by the inner social urge of Kishorebhai which is reflected in his every deed. Following same inner involvement with social binding Hirwal Pratishthan is contributing towards social emanicipation over years and will continue always. |